Philip Nikolayev from the SAMUEL BECKETT page (
shared this essay by Marjorie Perloff on Beckett and Yeats. Originally published in Fulcrum, which I believe Philip edited.
'An Image from a Past Life: Beckett's Yeatsian Turn'.
She argues that 'The powerful imprint of Yeat's poetry on Beckett's writing has generally been underestimated' but that Beckett's drive to make poetry out of the stuff of existence owes much to Yeats.

Emerging Poets Competition - for poets currently residing in the UK or Ireland:
Entry deadline Monday 13th May, 2013.
Entry deadline Monday 13th May, 2013.
'THE MELITA HUME POETRY PRIZE is an award of £1,000 and a publishing deal with Eyewear Publishing Ltd., for the best first full collection of a young poet writing in the English language, born in 1978 or later (that is, 35 years of age or under). The aim of this prize is to support younger emerging writers during difficult economic times. This is open to any one of the requisite age, of any nationality, resident in the United Kingdom and Ireland. It is free to enter.'
The birth of a sound, or a word. This is not the first time that a noted linguist makes the development of the speech of his own children a subject for research, but it is beautifully done here. Deb Roy takes this much further, from what influences his son's behaviour, to revealing new structures about our own behaviour around communication. Thanks to Noel Sweeney who passed this on:
'As our world becomes increasingly instrumented and we have the capabilities to collect and connect the dots between what people are saying and the context they are saying it in, what's emerging is an ability to see new social structures and dynamics that have previously not been seen. Its like building a microscope .. and revealing new structures about our own behaviour around communication. … the implications here are profound.' - Deb Roy.
PEN International - have been promoting literature, and defending freedom of expression around the world since 1921.
In line with this, Irish Pen have organised this open discussion: THURSDAY 14th March, 2013. 8pm DIT Aungier St. Lecture Theatre 3-067. Booking is necessary.
. Should writers always speak their minds?
. Do writers always speak their minds?
. Is the press in Ireland as free as we would like to think?
Kevin Myers will discuss some of the constraints on journalists, from so-called ‘political correctness’ to libel laws and the Press Ombudsman, along with the impact they have on a free press in Ireland – in a public interview organized by Irish PEN in collaboration with DIT School of Media.
The event takes place at DIT Aungier St - Lecture Theatre 3-067.
Tickets are 3/6€ and this event is open to all. Seating is limited - book your ticket here:
. Do writers always speak their minds?
. Is the press in Ireland as free as we would like to think?
Kevin Myers will discuss some of the constraints on journalists, from so-called ‘political correctness’ to libel laws and the Press Ombudsman, along with the impact they have on a free press in Ireland – in a public interview organized by Irish PEN in collaboration with DIT School of Media.
The event takes place at DIT Aungier St - Lecture Theatre 3-067.
Tickets are 3/6€ and this event is open to all. Seating is limited - book your ticket here:
Valerie Sirr passed on these great links:
A conversation on
Writing with Carolyn
A conversation on
Writing with
Arthur Miller
'We go to the theatre to stay alive, finally.'
If you want to get your poetry published it helps to know as much about the publishing business as you can. This article gives a very candid insight into what poetry publishers experience when they receive your work:
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